Day one of 'stay-at-home mom-hood' was pretty respectable. No major melt-downs, only 2 time-outs per kid and minimal whining!
Not surprisingly, I am not going to win any mother-of-the-year awards after this first day. Old habits are hard to break and Monday's have been my 'get organized for the week day' for a long time. As a result, there was a little more babysitting by the TV than I would like and our activity for today (coloring/ writing well overdue thank you notes) was uninspired, to say the least. I’m also not proud of the not-so-nutritious lunch I served (that only one kid ate) – I vow to do better tomorrow (sitter at naptime = grocery run). I think the only remotely impressive thing I did today was to make some mini omelets (in muffin tins) for quick breakfasts and I managed to get the beds made (impressive to me at least).
The lessons I learned today:
• Change grocery day to Sundays
• Prepare an activity on Sunday nights for the kids to do on Monday mornings while I get ‘organized’ for my week
• Having your 2 year old sit in a chair at the front of gym class and watch me work out (because she won’t stay up in the daycare room with her brother and sister) will make her a stronger person
There really weren’t any photo-worthy moments from today, unless you count me being covered in baby puke. I’m hoping that tomorrow will give us something worthy of sharing with you all.
Until then…
I would call that a successful first day! Keep up the good work and remember, I have back-up wine on hand should you run out.