Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ask and You Shall Receive

Mathew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Yesterday was a day where I should have been uber productive. Two kids back in school after an extended Christmas break (thanks to crazy below zero temps for two days) and a babysitter for most of the day (so I could get my hair done). Yet, outside of the haircut, not much producing happened. Instead, I partook in some retail therapy to help me feel better. I wasn’t sick, nor had anything traumatic occurred, something was just…… off.
I pondered my ‘problem’ for the evening (even while catching up on The Bachelor) and decided that I didn’t have Purpose in my life. I then thought about how I would find that. I thought about my volunteering and if I needed to do it more. I thought about my house and all of the projects I vowed to completed while being a SAHM (many of which have yet to be started). I thought about how I could be doing more with my kids. I thought that maybe going back to work would certainly give me something to do, but would it give me Purpose?
Ahhh, the complexity of grown up questions.
Who would have guessed that my 4 ½ year old would bring me the answer at 6:10am this morning? “Mommy, when I was walking in here I heard a loud noise downstairs.” I think I mentioned the crazy cold temps we’ve had? Anyone want to guess what happens when you have 2+ days of below 0 temp and forget to turn off the water to the hoses? Yup, broken pipes. Broken pipes = freezing cold water ALL over our basement. Bad news = we have water all over our basement. Good news = I now have Purpose!
All of a sudden I have a list a mile long. I guess I have some purpose for the next few days. Maybe I’ll figure out what I want to do when I grow up.
Lessons I learned today:
  • We should always listen to L when she says something is wrong (remind me to tell you the ‘bird’ story).
  • Things could always be worse. Looking on the bright side helps you get through the bad stuff.
  • I know better than to ask questions I don’t know the answers to!

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