Tuesday, October 18, 2011

One Day

A few times every day I catch myself wishing for a life other than what I’m living today. Don’t get me wrong, I am in love with my life and all of the people in it, but there are some things that I can’t wait to pass.

Today I wished for a house without any crying – I know that day will come, I just wonder when. Heck, I’d just be happy for a day with just one kid crying at a time. I also wished for a dinner without any spilled milk, a quiet drive in the car, a trip to the store when I wasn’t asked for junk that we didn’t need and a night when I could sleep until the sun came up. Then I got a surprise hug from L, a ‘you’re the best mommy’ from J and a huge smile from E and I was wishing for time to STOP.

Today, while at the store with L, a woman overheard our conversation and said that she remembered those days with her kids and now they are 13 and 15 and don’t want to be with her. I am not looking forward to THAT day! I am also not looking forward to fighting over an outfit (oh wait, we do that already!), or waiting up for them to come home at night.

I try to remember that I can wait for a house of grumpy teenagers when everyone is having a meltdown at the same time so I don’t loose my mind (or my temper) with them. I also cherish the times they sit on my lap or say, ‘Need you mommy’ or ‘Hold you mommy’ and want to give me hugs and kisses before getting out of the car for school each morning (sigh). So for now, my plan for when things with three little ones get  to be too much, I count to ten (sometimes 20 or 30!), take a deep breath, give everyone a hug and kiss and thank my lucky stars!

Lessons I learned today:
·       According to L, pink is the best color and one must have one article of pink clothing on at all times. And pink M & M’s are the best!
·       I am officially loosing the laundry battle, I might as well give up (or redecorate my laundry room so I can enjoy spending so much time there).
·       One day my house will be filled with peace and quiet, until then I’m going to embrace and cherish all the chaos.

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