Tuesday, September 20, 2011


J turned 4 yesterday. It’s hard to believe that four years ago hubby and I were on our own. Going out without scheduling a sitter, sleeping in, relatively simple travel, did I mention sleeping in? Lots has changed in the last four years, new house, three kids, new ‘job’.

I’m pretty sure that this is one of the first birthdays that will be remembered, so I tried to make it a bit special (donut with a candle for breakfast, balloons to greet him in the morning, special birthday outfit, treat of choice for school). I think the first birthday I remember is 6 but as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t have a lot of childhood memories. My theory is that if I create rituals for my kids on special occasions that we continue every year, they will be able to recall them once they become adults. We’ll see if it actually works.

In the spirit of using every (well, okay ‘some’) moment as a teaching moment, I decided to reinforce the number four yesterday (four pieces of everything at lunch time, etc). Not sure how much I was teaching as both J and L know the number four – but it was fun at least. It was also fun when we happened to be number four in car line this morning.

When I was thinking of the number four I recalled a conversation that I’ve had several times since E was born about everything accommodating a family of four. Once you hit five things get complicated – cars, restaurant tables, hotel rooms (two double beds), event seats (easy to get four in a row). Many have said that once you have three kids you may as well have 10 because things get so much more complicated. I can tell you that when J turns 10 I will NOT be making comments about having 10 kids!!!

We’ve been giving the ‘now that you’re four you have more responsibility and more is expected of you’ speech for one day and tonight when giving his final good nights he said he wanted to be three again. If only it were that easy – pretty sure I would be 30 again this year.

Lessons I learned today:
·      Road work in our neighborhood brings lots of trucks which means hours of entertainment for a certain 2-year-old and 4-year-old
·      Always buy one extra balloon to accommodate the one that will inevitably pop on your way home
·      Instituting rituals might help my kids remember their special days, but as their mom I’m sure going to remember them all

1 comment:

  1. Amy, your kids are so lucky to have you as their mom. They will surely treasure the special things you go out of your way to do for them. Keep up the good work!
