Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chore Day!

When I was growing up, I always hated Sundays = chore day (except with the 49ers were on TV, then I got to watch the game instead of scrub toilets). So, ever since I moved out on my own, I cherished my two short days of free-time (especially when the little ones came along). BUT, now it’s a different story.

First of all, I get the sheer pleasure of spending EVERY day with my kids (and hubby doesn’t). Secondly, I knew that getting stuff done would be hard with three shorties around the house, I just didn’t realize that it would make me grumpy when I didn’t get it all done. So, as sick as it is, I have adopted Sunday as our household chore day. Don’t get me wrong, we are not scrubbing any toilets and I’m pretty sure my kids won’t have an irrational fear of Sunday chore day like I did. Everyone has some to-do’s on our ‘fun family day’, but really they are minor compared to mommy’s (which is really okay by me!).

It seems that I really don’t mind vacuuming, mopping and laundry. Daddy gets to spend  some QT with the kids and I get to rock out with my favorite playlist (a major bonus – I don’t hear anyone crying and get out of changing diapers for at least 90 minutes).

I would like to admit that I also instituted this chore day to teach my kids responsibility and the benefits of having order around the home, but truthfully it was really just about keeping mommy sane during the week!

Lessons I learned today:
·         Maximum time allotment in the heat for my kids before melting = 30 minutes.
·         Daddy CAN multi-task (supervising clean up AND entertaining the baby all at one time!).
·         You can spend quality time together as a family and still get your chores done.

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