Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Honeymoon is OVER

I knew it was going to happen, I just didn’t know how long it would take. Turns out - about 2 ½ weeks. I’m tired, cranky and sometimes downright mean. I’m still not regretting my decision to stay at home with my little ‘angels’ but I’m giving up mad props to all the SAHMs out there after living it first hand for 17 days. I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or not that we’ve also had 17 consecutive days of over 90 degrees.

On the bright side, we seem to be getting into a relatively smooth routine (at least on days that we all sleep past 6am) – which mainly revolves around meals & naptimes (boring!). Outside of my not-so-successful baking activity this week, I have not been very creative or organized about scheduling things for the gremlins to do. As a result, we’ve had a lot of whining, fighting, yelling, and time outs this past week (I’m hoping that these aren’t a permanent part of our blissful routine).

Two things struck me today in the middle of someone’s temper-tantrum; 1) SAHMs need vacations just to break the routines that you don’t want to keep and 2) back-to-school really is the ‘Most Wonderful Time of the Year.’

I’m pretty sure that once school starts (J for 5 mornings, L for 2 mornings – just 2 hours), that I’ll turn into the June Cleaver meets Martha Stewart and my kids will morph into perfectly behaved, well-mannered angels. In the event that doesn’t work out for me, I’m researching story-times at the local library and local bookstores, some gym classes for L and keeping my sister on the payroll to provide mommy with the much needed kid-free time.

Lessons I learned today:
·       Homemade birthday dinners (and desserts) are fun to do and everyone seems to enjoy them more because of the effort put in.
·       Travelling for work seemed like it was hard at the time, but there were several times today that I would have traded places with hubby.
·       Kids crave structure, but routines without kid-centered activities create moms who crave wine.

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